An inventory loan is a short-term loan or line of credit that is issued to small
business owners to help them buy inventory. Since financial institutions often use inventory as collateral, they could request a history of inventory purchase orders. Thus, this type of loan is primarily issued to small businesses that have already been established, rather than to start-ups. The Benefits of An Inventory Loan.
An inventory loan can benefit small businesses in a variety of industries,
specifically, those in the retail, wholesale, and food service industries. There are
five significant ways an inventory loan can benefit your small business:
Expand Product Lines
As a business owner, you know the importance of keeping up with your existing product lines. However, by only focusing on current lines, you could be missing an opportunity to offer additional products to your customers. Often when a customer purchases one product, they’ll also need a related, supporting item. For instance, if your business sells protein powder and dietary supplements, consider selling, energy drinks, protein bars, and water bottles. By adding new items to your repertoire, you could majorly increase sales. An inventory loan can provide you with the working capital you need to invest in these new product offerings!
Re-Order Popular Inventory
A fear many business owners have is running out of a popular product, and not
having the cash flow available to purchase more items. If you run out of a
popular item, you could lose sales and cause your customers to turn to your
competitors instead. An inventory loan can help you avoid being under-stocked,
so you can always meet customers’ needs.
Purchased in Bulk
If you operate in the wholesale industry, you understand the need to purchase
inventory in bulk. Unfortunately, placing large purchase orders can be expensive.
An inventory loan can make operating your business less stressful by providing
you with the funds you need to ensure your shelves and warehouses are fully
stocked with necessary items.
Costs Cutting
Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of an inventory loan is that you
won’t have to reduce costs from other areas of your business to purchase
inventory. An inventory loan will provide you with the up-front financing you need to buy products while operating your business as usual.
Seasonal Demands
Many businesses experience seasonal fluctuations in sales. Small business
owners that operate a seasonal business can use an inventory loan to purchase
products during slower times of the year. For instance, companies that sell
swimsuits and pool supplies in states that experience cold winters see a decline
in sales during the winter. However, to prepare for the spring and summer, the
business will need to have cash available to buy inventory. Another example that
most retail businesses can relate to is the influx of sales during the holiday
season. An inventory loan can be used to purchase additional products in
advance, so that you can meet demands when customers start their holiday